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Welcome Hamiltonhill Claypits LNR

National Park City Group

We're delighted to welcome our latest support - Hamiltonhill Claypits LNR.

Hamiltonhill Claypits Local Nature Reserve is a community greenspace in the heart of North Glasgow. Having been at the hear of major renovations over recent years many of you may not yet had the chance to visit since some of the fantastic new facilities opened up giving improved access to a fantastic site near the heart of the city - we'd highly recommend a visit and we're delighted to be working with their active friends of group to promote the LNR and to work towards a Greener, Healthier, Wilder Glasgow.

In their own works "The idea of Glasgow as a National Park City is inspiring and is very much in line with our hopes for the Hamiltonhill Claypits LNR. We would love our urban greenspace to be a place where people come together, meet one another and help our communities be 'greener, healthier and wilder' .

If you would like to join the growing list of Glasgow National Park City supporters, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you.

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We’re a group of individuals who are interested in creating a Glasgow National Park City.  The group has no political affiliations and is not aligned with any other organisations​.

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©2019 by Glasgow National Park City.  With thanks to Alistair Woodburn @Naburn2 and Kat Martin for the  brilliant photos. 

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